Andrew Blake
Owner & Certified GOATA Coach
My services range from assessing your movement patterns to coaching you through custom regimens to start recoding your movement! I use slow-motion video to assess your movement patterns.
After sending me your video, I will assess your movement inefficiencies that the slow motion video will show. Once I have completed the assessment you will receive a custom video breakdown of your movement patterns. I will then send you a regimen of exercises to perform in order to recode your movements.
Training through the GOATA App
There is a FREE GOATA app available for Apple or Android. It is through this app that personal coaching is done. Within the app, you can access your regimen, watch tutorial videos for the exercises, and chat with me to answer any of your training related questions.
When you purchase a service, you will receive an email from asking for your name, phone number, and any pain/injury history that I should know about. With that information I can get you into the GOATA app and we can start your recode!
Want to train with me in person?
If you’re located in the Eastern Region of Idaho and want to get 1-on-1 coaching or train with me, reach out to me through social media or email at
start your recode today!